Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Finished my Doctor's in the Time Vortex Series

I've been working on this series for about a year now and I've finally finished.  Here they all are!

First Doctor
Second Doctor
Third Doctor
Fourth Doctor
Fifth Doctor
Sixth Doctor
Seventh Doctor
Eight Doctor
Ninth Doctor
Tenth Doctor
Eleventh Doctor

And Finally, all of them together

Sunday, May 5, 2013

"In Waiting" update

I said last week (just looked and it was my 50th and broke 1000 page views) that I'd try and get an update of my short film up here this week, so here it is!

I still have about 13-14 shots to animate before I'll be finished with the rough animation.  I'll leave it as rough animation for the most part once it's finished.  I might go back in and clean it up later.

I've started saving up for a Cintiq, so once I save up enough we'll see if I have an easier time getting polished work up on here.  I love my current tablet (it's survived almost 10 years of abuse), but drawing on it is so much more difficult than drawing directly on a screen.