Friday, January 9, 2015

Wow! It's been a while...

Hey, guys!  The last few months have been kinda busy.  London was fun.  I got to see new fun stuff and old favorites.  I always want to go back the minute I get back home.  Since then I had a wedding to go to, CTN, and the holidays.  Each time I was going to post something came up.  But anyways here is some of the stuff I've been working on.

First up is the design I've worked up for Psyche's mother.  I'm working on her father at the moment.  I've found I enjoy drawing older characters.  I haven't done much of it in the past, but it's fun.

I've also been working on some new prints.  Here's one that I've finished of Aphrodite.  I've got the rest thumbnailed out, but I've got to work on them some more.

I did up a portrait of the 12th Doctor during the last season of Doctor Who.  I'm going to be buying a button maker so I can make some buttons of it and others for conventions.  I'm going to try and give the River Song and Jack Harkness ones to their actors at Gallifrey One in February.
I'm going to finish off this with some mermaids I was doing with the Color Palette Challenge that was going around a while ago.  I still haven't done all of them, but here's what I have.

I'll try and get another post up soon!